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Is there a guide, i got to the end of the tower where its giving me an end of content notice but i know there's still things left to do..? I haven't gotten the last image on the page with the mermaid?

There are tips on the game in the discord.

Discord link is invalid, Doesnt let me join

am i sepost to trow away my swort (intro )

how to catch demon

When does the tf/tg element come into play

What do i do i explored everything in the ship and camp but it keeps telling my i almost explored everything in the valkyreies

You have to look at the 2 statues in the ship hold

How do i hint down the plant monsters

The day after you can freely walk everywhere. You can talk to Eliza, Mist to visit the dungeon, or go on your own to the crack (a little lower than the first cave).

There will always be a choice to stay or continue exploring, as the statue in the cabin can be viewed later.

Where do i go after getting out of the cave im completely lost

If you're talking about falling into a cave, then you need to go north. (at the bottom of the map there will be a chest with a sword that can cut down a tree)
If you are already at a later stage, then usually after you get out of the cave you need to return to the ship.

The main quest is good and original, I think the last part (once you've freed Elva to current end of content) could use some clarification, but everything before that point is clear.

But the side content is hard to reach, between the shacky english translation and missable requirements here and there. Most side content are linked and I don't know how I feel about that. For now it is alright to hit new game to complete some endgame content because you missed a blue rock in the first minute of the game, but it will grow less tolerable the further each content pieces are.

I spend two thirds of my time playing the game looking after the source code to understand what I was missing, when and where were the triggers. Now I know most of rpgmaker inner workings without ever using it.

I had fun tho.

I planned additional things as part of the rpg. You can either try to leave the island faster or explore it completely.

Some things are hidden, but they do not affect the main plot (;

Thankfully the main plot can be done without requirements from the side content.

But some requirements are really strict and over-engineered, I feel like there is a lot of superflous flags to avoid dialog or event repetition and overall it make some pieces extra hard to reach.

I'll try to be constructive here so keep in mind that had fun, that I like your game and I can see there's a lot of work and I think everything there is a lack a technical quality, not a lack of artistic quality, nor a lack of ideas. It's a bold choice to make content missable but there's a balance to be found.

As developer myself, I'm used to think with black boxes with clear input and output, the more I/O there is to a black box, the harder it is to maintain. If I need to use something inside the box from the outside, that becomes an output and it needs to be obvious. I believe you can apply this to a lot of process, questlines included.

Looking at the maid quest:

  • You need the Fairy core because "fairy are able to transition between world" at will I guess. But that kind of a false justification since you've read a book to do it while sleeping. On the over hand I don't see why a fairy (usually chaotic and free) would be related to a maid quest.
  • You need specifically the 1% core but you could have the 25% if you've fetch the See the Hidden first. I guess it's an oversight, but it piles up with every other side effects that softlock the quest both you and the player need to track.
  • I have found out you need some flag (пр.ядро М.Н.Ж - 0(123)4) equal to 4 related to your first core being filled up, but in my save where I overfilled it, it was set at 3. I don't know what's the reasoning behind it. If it's a bug, if it's on purpose, what it achieves in the context of the quest.
  • You need to bear no weapon but the ring doesn't remove them.
  • You need the fire spell i believe ? (missed the spell in one save and I couldn't light the fireplace, coudn't even interact with it, nor make tea I think, didn't check the code. Bug or not I lighted all torches with magic so it shouldn't be needed anyway for non-combat related fire magic)
  • You need air ram for the spider webs ?
  • You need the maid shoes despite having looked inside the drawer 20times because you weren't wearing the dress at the time.

Meaning: you can start the quest if you have the maid dress, but there is so many way to be softlocked out of completion without any obvious reasons.

(correct me if I am wrong, but there is other examples) was it clear the spells were hard requirements? Did you weight in they could be skipped and not remove anything from how the quest plays ?

When you made the quest about filling the core, was it clear that the variable пр.ядро М.Н.Ж - 0(123)4 was going to be used in other quests ?

Streamlining some requirements would help both the player and you keeping track of what's needed when and where.

On the dev side, being mindful of what is required and what will be reused later is important to be able to edit past content without breaking new developments

On the player side, using discreet flags makes it impenetrable and frustrating, sometimes it feel unfair.

I think it's frustrating to enter a quest, follow it for an hour (or more) and find out you couldn't finish it because you never had the requirements to begin with.

I get why there is missable content as time pass on the island (like the book for meditation), I get why there's missable content with wrong dialog choices (like removing the glued corset), I get why there's missable content during closed room events (Succubus lair, fairy tf).

But I don't really get why the princess room lever broke. Why you can't try again the dreamworld in the slime cave. Why you can't redo the hair growth dialog with martha, the dream with Helga. Why there's RNG on some TF, you can't re-read the note on the table about the pirates and merchant. Why the shoes aren't listed the drawer when you don't wear the dress. Why you can't trigger the witch event until you've actually cast raw mana bolt, despite having loads of mana (that one made me run in circles and it locks a LOT of content if you do it too late).

Open world interactions that are locked without finishing their quest line, because of some unfair fail state or dark triggers and not because of overworld events ? It doesn't make much sense. And unless rpg maker make these locks by default, it feels more tidous to create minor flags that you'll check only for that (And might be tempted to use in further content). It feels over-engineered, instead of well crafted.

I strongly believe sticking to referencing big flags between questlines, that are kind of clear to the player, that are kind of "on the nose" will make both the maintenance of your content easier and make it more enjoyable to navigate.

There's a world between Railroading and a well crafted web, but if you overthink things too much, you end up with tangled spaghetti.

That being said, I think most set piece events are are cool (the catacomb, succubus lair, princess room, the maid and mermaid when they work, it works), they have multiple big outcomes and rewards, and seeing the repercussion of those big outcome feels right. The TF flow is good, I mean at this point I just want to throw out deserved compliments to compensate this whole comment.

This is my first attempt at making a game and there are a lot of problems. To make everything okay, it's easier to start making a new game than to figure out some of the decisions I made in this game. 
And I still don't really know how to do quests or configure plugins so that the game doesn't crash every five minutes.
And I'm not really good at making a game.


But you are not bad at it: First because you made one, second because you've got people having fun

That means you are probably doing some things right :)

(1 edit) (+1)

0.04.16.b and .c Without encryption, graphics should open quickly. lol)))

I need a walkthrough. There are several points where I've had no idea how to progress.

The English dialogue could use some work, but what I've seen of the story isn't too bad.

There is information about the walkthrough in discord channel. 

There is an update there, where the translation into English is better.

by the way,can you share me what game inspired you in the tfgame?

I want to play it

Do you have new version except 0.04.14?

After the main quest all over,my character grows a beard,what should i do?

so ugly


There are several options. 
Searching an abandoned witch's house is better when you have her quest activated. Find a potion there that will remove the beard, or the witch can do it if the time matches.

Take a large book from the table in the witch's house and talk to Martha about cosmetic magic. Learn a spell to remove the beard.

Or show the beard to the Valkyries... Beatrice will clean your beard)

Singrid says:“May explode something”

I try to click the stone,but no use.

what should i do?

please guide me

To continue, you need to go to the blocked grate in the dark corridor again. After that, go back to the blockade and talk with nps again.

But this is the end of the storyline, after returning to the ship, there are no further important events in this version.

I play 0.04.14 version.Is this the latest version?

by the way,where is the “dark corridor”?

is this?

Yes, that grid.

There are some tips on finding secret places in the discord channel if you are having trouble with the game.

I have played all the content of 0.04.14 is a great game.and i really want to play the next version.keep it up!

Hi i was wondering what i suposed to do i have looked everywhere and cant seem to find where to go or do? Where is the book suposed to be? Sorry for bad English not my best language to write.

Here is a spoiler with a description, if still relevant.
The book is in a pile of books at the top right. It should be placed on the table and activated several times (read). Then the MC will be able to use the bed for a special sleep.


Очень жду каких-либо обновлений. Про данный проект не забывал, большое спасибо за его создание :)

в дисе и на бусти есть более свежая версия

(1 edit)

Why does it take so long to lag?

I use joiplay on android

The game has plugins that may not support systems other than Windows (

Oh but There is sexual or not

There are a few scenes, but otherwise it's pretty tame.

There is a little more in test version 0.04.14, you can download it from the link in the discord.

Where is the link?

(1 edit)


Or boosty:

Ah, yes my favorite english and English. 

I corrected this strange typo. Thank you!

How to get ordinary energy crystal pllll

Do you want to get the MP recovery crystal?

How do I undress when I have a towel?plll

You can change clothes through the equipment menu

I wonder if there is going to be an update soon ?


Ehy i'm stuck here idk what to do

light the torches throughout the tower i will open a door on level 2


Deleted 265 days ago
Deleted 265 days ago

Will there be an update this month ?

at what point are you with the english transation?

Almost everything is translated into English, except for some moments with bugs. 

You need to go to settings to switch the language


hey, I was wondering if there's any walkthrough for the game? I'm currently stuck at this one part where I have to find the shortcut out of the catacombs and I feel like I need mana based off the rooms I found but I don't have any mana.

You don't need mana to get through the main content, but it can come in handy to get some additional events. 

You can search the walkthrough and other spoilers in the discord.

Deleted 1 year ago

Shrinking/giantess content no?

Shrinking or turning into a small one is there, but not very much or long term.

how far into the game for that? 


It's hard to say somewhere in the second half of the current content.  Probably about an hour of play.

I am really sorry I asked instead of just playing for myself, I just didn't had time to check it out. 

(2 edits)

привет, я застрял здесь, я видел в комментариях, что должна быть фея, но ее нет, что мне делать?

Вам нужно найти способ попасть на другую сторону решетки, туда где красный переключатель (;

Deleted 1 year ago

Когда на 2 и 3 этаже башни зажжены вместе 50 факелов, то откроется секретная дверь на втором этаже

Спасибо, нашла случайно сразу после того, как поставила пост

not gonna lie i cant find it ive tried everythin

Здравствуйте! Подскажите, пожалуйста. Я в лагере валькирий (на берегу). При попытке пройти в палатку-столовую высвечивается вариант "походить по территории ещё немного...." Что делать дальше?

Привет, там надо одну или обе статуи посмотреть на палубе, чтобы прогресс дальше пошел.


ээ, теперь другой вопрос: Как помыться в палатке?

Если гг говорит комментарии о том что надо помыться, то надо пойти и помыться)))) Осмотреть предметы в палатке, взять полотенце в углу, активировать его и т.д.

А если не говорит, то значит оно и не надо. Чтобы оно было надо - основной триггер, это падение в волшебный источник в подземелье. 

(4 edits)

Спасибо.... А теперь объясните, пожалуйста, на какие плиты наступать в катакомбах? Вроде дальше продвинулся.... Блин, не могу выбраться из убежища суккуба.... Всё время возвращаюсь обратно!!

В дискорде вроде бы есть расписаное прохождение. 

Если кратко, то вначале надо статую изучить, а дальше рычаги к которым по очереди будет открыт доступ.

После поимки облака энергии и превращении персонаж раздваивается на призрака и валькирию. А если из комнаты в подсознании не выйти самому то после завершения отсчёта появляется темный экран.

Ух, вроде все возможные проблемы были решены в моменте с феями, а нет, какой-то новенький глюк! Если есть сейв незадолго до этого момента, то в дискорде можете его выслать. В следующем обновлении постараюсь все починить)

Bug report for v0.047 :

  1. When become a fairy and sleep in the bed, there was option to make fairy core the option is not translated

2.this information option is still untranslated and only appears when becoming a fairy

  1. And if i exit from the “??? dream “ area, i can’t move my character and stuck in bedroom

Sorry if my English a bit broken, English is not my main language.

I think the game still need improvement on the intruction and place direction (in my first play i waste a lot of time just to open gate or find npc)

But I like the game.the game is good And i will wait for the next update

Thanks for the feedback!)

I will correct translation errors in the next version. 

 Softlock is a big problem, if you have a save file before this point, you can send it to discord, to speed up the bugfix!

Sorry I overwrite all save slot from new game again. But I think the bug come because i go to the bed through the wall( i just think that normal and that the only way at that time to the bedroom ) and because of that the door is still in there.

I just know that you can go to the bed after you drink the fairy potion as fairy and elva will break the door after read some guide in discord

Game broke. Held right after forgetting to take the corset off before bed.

A very complex error, it occurs in different places due to different reasons. Something because of add-ons and plugins ((

new bug report fore v0.04.7:
1: when going to bed and being asked if you want to go to sleep, if you choose to remove the "Corset" then it is impossible to go to sleep, and start the next day until you put it back on and go to sleep whit the "Corset" on.

2: everyone call's "Bridge" fore "Mist" when talking to her and about her, or is "Mist" a nickname and the MC just magically know her Real Name without ever having heard it?

3: all dialogue choices whit "Helga's" book reading Choice (except the Spell Book) seems to all tell the Same story, when before they ware all different stories, and the choices still appear in Russian.

4: when discussing the "Cosmetic Spell Book" whit "Martha" the dialogue just cut and loop back to the multiple dialogue choice place, as if the dialogue is incomplete or stuff is missing, it is kind of jarring that she say let's look at the spell book, then no more talk about it...

5: untranslated text.

and some from last bug report that still persist, when getting the Sword before talking to the Valkyries.

6: the body of "Martha" is missing when she go's to wake you up from sleep.

7: in the slime trap, before it ware possible to fight back, and start the fight with a full party, but now it seems like it is impossible to click/smash the key fast enough, so your MC always seems to start the fight as if the slime's managed to crawl up on him/Her.

8: i have already explored the catacombs and captured the Succubus, i don't think there should be any reason fore them to stop backtracking at this point, considering it is the first visit at this point in the story.

9: it feels like "Beatrice" is supposed to talk some more about the Curse here, but the dialogue just cut...

10: not really a bug but a bit of confusing information about the and the Additional uses fore it, like should i save the Jar of "Guar Juice (100%)" fore other stuff, i currently only know it can be used fore the Boat Repair so you can access a chest in the ship in the evening's, but the chest is currently un-openable, or i can use it to throw sticky sap on enemies, but that's not as useful as the affection i would get fore turning it in...

the only think i can suspect but don't know fore sure would be to use it to RE-apply "Guar Juice" on our skin, to remove our body-hair again, but it is hard to know fore sure whit the somewhat confusing translation in this aria.

11: not sure if it is intentional, but the information menu, that let's us know how Accepting or Resistant, as well as how much affection people have toward you, seams to have gone Missing from the last version of the game, i found it useful a couple of times when i ware unsure what different choices did.


well all in all, it seams like a lot have improved, but also seems like some stuff have somehow bugged a bit that ware not bugged before...

but the Translation have very Clearly improved a lot, and i appreciate the work you have put in.

hope you will have an good night forward.

For the first error, I already made a patch, you can download it in the discord, or again the game file here.

I can't progress the story despite having examined all the Points of Interest. The option seems to be broken.

There you need to look at one or both statues on the middle deck of the ship.

might help to add sparkles on the Demon Statue, witch is the one that need's to be interacted with, just so people don't get stuck on not finding what they need's to do in camp before being able to progressing the story.

I think just remove the condition check for these statues, the content related to them is additional, hehe ))

just few missed EN translations (after prologue where you can start freely move on ship in the morning when asking the captain questions MC answers on one in his head and it is missing translation, and the Elisa´s spell description of lesser cleansing  is missing EN as well

Thank you! I will fix this in the next version. 

If you find more bugs and errors in the texts, feel free to write about it)

another Bug Report fore the English version:
1: about every Dialogue choice you can select are not translated, so it is hard to know what you are choosing without save and reload, and even then it is not always clear what you choose, this is as i said fore EVERY Dialogue choice, not just the one in the screenshot.

2: this entire fight where you get hit by sticky juice is untranslated and still in Russian,i suspect some of the "Common Event's" might not all have been translated.

3: i think that the mirror draw the wrong statistic when telling you the D!ck length, I put it to 11CM at the start of the game, but it show up as 30 instead, witch match something else in the information menu, that is also not translated.

4:not entirely sure what happened but during a fight i think i got this error message, suspect a memory leek maybe?

5: more untranslated dialogue fore several segments of the dialogue.

6: this is an GAME BRAKING Bug, you are able to Drink the Sleeping Potion from your Inventory, and if you do, then you will not be able to interact whit the chair by the Cliff edge and transform the "Witch Hat" into ether a Ring or absorbing the power yourself, so you will lose out on content whit the Witch i would believe.

well that's the Bug's i have fond fore now, hope you have an good day forward.

I'm now working on improving the texts, so your comment will help a lot.
But what caused error 4, I do not know... I don't understand very well about the operation of the game engine ((

Bug report fore the English version i guess:
1: untranslated part if you get the sword before you talk to the Valkyrie fore the first time:

2: then when talking whit the leader she will talk like you still have a sword and something else, i think she mean the "Wooden Club", even through i never pieced up a club so fare and the sword Brock by chopping 3 trees to get the stat boost, even if i kept the sword she koment on me having it even through it is put on the Rack in the tent before meting her:

3: then after ward she begin to say something in Russian again:

4: in the cirkle is the triger point fore a dialogue, but becose you can walk on the berry tree, you can totaly miss it by walking past it:

else i like the game quiet well so fare, through a shame that the translation still need's a bit of work, but it have been improved A LOT sins the first version i tried so glad to see improvements there.

also it is just a little thing, but i am a bit disappointed that i can't tell the Valkyries about the Big Glowing crystal to them personally considering we already saw them in the cave, when they mention that they needs magical crystals, i don't think it would be that big a leap in logic to mention that you saw some strange crystals in a cave and wondering if it ware them they needed, i would imagine that that information would help gaining there trust if you mentioned it at list.

well anyway i like it so fare and hope you will have an good week forward, and i hope my bug report is of help, and have a god night.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll fix the bugs with the update.

В предыдущей версии если в башне прочитать надписи со всех статуй то у последней богиня выдает зелье усиления. Теперь нет. Это ошибка или надо было ещё что то сделать?

У меня без проблем выдала. А читал громко? Чтоб сразу выдала надо все надписи громко читать. А еще, в предыдущей версии (в последней не проверял), даже если читал часть шепотом или где то пропустил, зелье всё равно можно было получить если прочитать раз 10-20 громко у последней статуи, у принцессы.

О, похоже вы спалили баг))))
Событие должно только раз срабатывать (;

(1 edit)

Не получить можно было только один раз. Просто если читал шепотом и/или пропускал часть статуй то с 10-20 раза орания у главной, а если нет то сразу, с первого раза. Ну и в текущей версии не проверял.

Чтобы именно зелье получить нужно нечто большее, чем просто все надписи громко прочесть (;

Вообще когда богиня выдаёт зелье, она говорит что то типа "я вижу ты стремишься к силе дочь моя". Вы как квест с ведьмой завершили? Может что бы она дала зелье надо поглотить силу, а потом ещё магию подкачать? Попробуйте, потом напишите, а то мне тож интересно.

Раньше в башню принцессы заходил с 5-6 принятия, теперь захожу с 3-4. Вродь всё тож самое, но теперь не могу принцессину ночнушку (реальную) из комода спереть. Такое ощущение, что не все требуемые параметры подогнали к новым значениям психологических характеристик.

При высоком сопротивлении принятие медленнее увеличивается. Но ещё не все доступные события прописаны, которые возможны между заданиями.

То что теперь, по окончании квеста ведьмы, в независимости от решения (кольцо или поглотить), дают только +1 к сопротивлению - это так и должно было быть с начала или новый баг?

Хм, завершение этого квеста в любом случае увеличивает сопротивление, но другие психологические характеристики теперь более сокрытые в изменени.

пройду еще раз, но на выходных,
сейв и место где будут ошибки в дискорде сбрасывать?

Да, там разделы под это есть.

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